Eleventh Festival Audition
First Place Winners
Miya Bu
Margaux Chang
Grace Chi
Micah Farstad
Rohan Gowthaman
Jackson Jansa
William Law
Shannon Li
Rose Mack
Anh Nguyen
Ahan Ghosh-Rao
Jonathan Whee
Matthew Whee
Olivia Whee
Leonard Xing
First place Winners' Teachers
2024-2025 Season
Fall Public Recital: Pequot Library
Recital Date: Saturday, November 16th, 1-3:30 pm
Location: Pequot Library
720 Pequot Ave, Southport, CT 06890
Registration deadline: Saturday, November 2nd (email stelmanv@yahoo.com)
Participation fee:
$20 per student for solo performance
$30 for duets (both performers)
Please send one check for all participating students to:
Olga Stelman
503 Booth Hill Rd
Trumbull CT 06611
Repertoire: Classical repertoire and music by pedagogical composers. Pieces must be memorized.
Chair: Olga Stelman (stelmanv@yahoo.com)
Eleventh Annual Festival Audition
The goal of this festival is to provide recognition to talented and motivated students who can prepare for an evaluated audition and are confident enough to perform in public. It is open to students of voice, piano, and all other instruments.
Students who place in the top category this year will also be invited to enter the Deborah Kahan Competition in January.
Festival Date: Sunday, December 15th, 2024 1-5 pm
Registration Deadline: Sunday, December 1st
Checks and applications should be sent to Andrew Gordon, 23 Sullivan Drive, Redding, CT, 06896
Westport Suzuki School
246 Post Rd East
Westport CT 06880
Andrew Gordon, chairs: andrewmgordon@optonline.net
Click on ‘Festival’ for more specific guidelines and the application form
40th Annual Deborah Kahan Competition
This competition is open Piano, violin, viola, cello, double bass, guitar; soloists, duos, or any combination of piano and strings. Students must be between the ages of 6 and 18. For more information visit the 'Competition' page.
Competition Date: Sunday, January 26th
Winner's recital: Saturday, February 1st @ 5 pm
Registration Deadline: Monday, January 13th
Competition Location:
Westport Suzuki School
246 Post Rd East
Westport CT 06880
Winner's Concert Location:
Steinway & Sons, Greenwich
1545 E Putnam Ave, Old Greenwich, CT 06870
Co-chairs: Hiroko Dutton and Kumiko Imamura (Hiroko Dutton and Kumiko Imamura, chairs, deborahkahancompetition@gmail.com)
Click on ‘Competition’ for more specific guidelines and the application form
Pro Piano Ensemble Concert
Unlike most CSMTA events, which are geared toward students, this concert is open to adult teachers and professional pianists. Participants meet regularly to rehearse and receive coaching from a professional piano duo to prepare. It's a great way to meet other colleagues and have a chance to play for each other.
Piano music for 4, 8, 12 or more hands. Two pianos or piano duet/trio/quartet. Piano ensembles (at least 4 hands) with other instruments are also possible.
Saturday, April 5th 2-3:30
Pequot Library
720 Pequot Ave, Southport CT
Co-chairs: Dorothy Grimm & Benjamin Steinhardt
For more information contact: fairfieldcountymusicteachers@gmail.com
Community recital
Date and location TBA
Community Recitals are Student Recitals that take place in local senior homes. Residents are very happy to see young people performing for them and we always hear lots of positive comments.
Submission Deadline:
Chair: Benjamin Steinhardt (Benjamin.Steinhardt@gmail.com)
Spring Showcase Recital
Recital Date: TDB
Repertoire: Classical repertoire and music by pedagogical composers.
Solo Pieces must be memorized.
Student/Student duet is allowed with music. (No Student/Teacher is permitted)
Chair: Hiroko Dutton (pianohdutton@gmail.com)
Location: TDBD
Registration Fee: TBD
Performance time limit: Maximum Total of 20 minutes per teacher
M.A.P. (Music Achievement Program)
Date: May 17th 2025
Time: 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Location: Weston Library
56 Norfield Rd, Weston, CT 06883
The MAP (Musicianship Achievement Program) is directed at students of CSMTA teachers and offers both a Performance and Theory section. Held annually, students can choose to participate in the Full MAP (both performance and theory) or just the Theory exam. With a total of 10 levels, students have the opportunity to perform memorized pieces, display keyboard skills, and demonstrate written/aural awareness following the prescribed MAP syllabus.
For more information:
Chair: Seray Goktekin
We look forward to seeing you and your students soon!